Fold Your Passions Into Your Job Right Now

We often talk about finding happiness and fulfillment with your life and carrer, and one of the most common actionable examples we come across is someone quitting a job to become an entrepreneur. Living in the grey is not solely about entrepreneurship. It can be, but the emphasis we like to stress is that a life well lived is full of meaningful pursuits.
There are many ways you can change aspects of the way you work within a role you are currently performing and still end up with a fulfilling and meaningful career of your own. It takes understanding there is a science and art to any profession, and the fortitude to seek out the depth in your every day actions. Author and business strategist, Daniel Burrus offers a handful of questions to get you started on developing the way you work now:
Ask yourself:
Am I learning and maximizing the science side of my profession?
Am I taking the classes I need to take?
Am I updating and upgrading myself?
Am I getting training on all the new tools and capabilities that will help me do my job better?
But don’t stop there. Continue with the art-focused questions:
Am I reading about creativity and problem solving?
Am I making sure that I’m not too quick to judge?
Have I found a mentor who is sharing his or her knowledge and wisdom with me?
Am I working on the art side of my profession, or am I just working on the science side?
We hope these will help you kick-start your creative thinking muscle around what it truly means to live in the grey. We are not all entrepreneurs, but we can still find the tools to actively fold our passions into whatever it is we are doing right now. You can start today.
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[Image: Life Calendar on Etsy]