July 29, 2013

The Singing Nurse

Living in the Grey is all about the journey to fulfillment through the blend of work, play and living what you love.

Sometimes blending your passions into your professional life will require you to seek out a new job or even start a new company. Much more frequently, you can find greater fulfillment in your current job by adopting our approach called “Expand Your Box.” Expanding your box means pushing out the existing and conventional walls of your job to build out aspects of your responsibilities and scope which match a passion.

We saw a great example of this the other night on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. Jared Axen, recently highlighted on the program, is a nurse who has found a way to blend his passion for singing into his daily job.

“When I chose nursing as my profession, one of the reasons I chose it was because it is very much a human interaction type of profession- so is music. I was able to combine the two. I went into nursing school knowing that I still wanted to do music. It wasn’t “giving up,” I was transitioning from off stage to the bedside.”


Start with what makes you happy. Identify it and fold it into your life.

We love Jared’s approach to his career. First, he recognized that human connection motivated and energized him. This knowledge helped him find a career he enjoys and allowed him to find a way to blend his other passions with his professional work.

Jared is great inspiration to the merits of expanding your box. Not only is he more fulfilled in his career, he is boosting the spirits of those around him as well.


Curious on how you can ‘expand your box?’ If you are in NYC July 31st, join us for our next event, a workshop on how to blend your personal passions with your professional work.  

1 Comment

  • Jared clearly chooses to play his “role” of nurse in a way that brings who he is fully into the room. It is okay to “leave work at work” but if we leave ourselves at home (when we go to work) we diminish our capacity to connect.

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