Hello Live in the Grey! I’m Amanda Sol Peralta, your new guide on the journey to grey. As a member of the Live in the Grey team, I’ll manage our website content and nurture the grey community. But I want you to think of me more as your friend, guide and career coach all wrapped into one!
As a certifiable millennial for whom a life of fulfillment and passion is very important, I get how important it is to be happy at work (and how much it sucks to feel alone and unsupported). It’s my job to help guide you through that tunnel so you can see the light on the other side. (P.S. It’s awesome over here! You’re going to love it.)
I’m also your here to be your friend-slash-career-coach, which means I want to hear all about your grey stories, your struggles, and your ideas. Ultimately, our content is meant for you. Have an idea for how we can help you more? Think we’re not addressing an important issue? Tweet at me (@amndsl / @livegrey) or email me (amanda[at]liveinthegrey[dot]com) anytime. I’m here to listen.
And since friendship is a two-way street, I thought I’d share a few fun facts about myself so you can get to know who you’re talking to.
1) I was born in Chile, grew up in Texas, studied in North Carolina and am a newly minted New Yorker. I love surrounding myself with diversity and am currently desperately looking for my new taco joint.
2) I am a scholar of pop culture so I spend my free time studying shows like The Bachelor, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Scandal and Pretty Little Liars. With zero. hint. of. shame. #fangirl
3) I’ve always enjoyed making unexpected choices and following my own rules, whether it’s majoring in something no one’s heard of, traveling while friends interned or wearing four different shades of green in one outfit. I love different and I love honest.
To sum it up, I’m all kinds of excited to begin this journey with all of you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter and say hi! #livegrey
P.S. Be sure to watch out for future posts where you’ll get to meet each member of the Live in the Grey team.